
  • Caged by Love

    Caged by Love

    Her smooth voice clenched my mind, pulling me into her void, endless, infinite. My heart pounds, a prisoner, yearning for release. But do I want to? Maybe not. She holds me, gentle, her seduction a quiet storm, calm yet trembling. My breath heavy, each gasp a surrender. I’m dying for her love. Confusion traps me,…

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  • A Jolly Encounter

    A Jolly Encounter

    Squatting down, laces tangled in my fingers, I see it. A doughnut in the showcase, grinning at me, a happy face staring back, mocking almost. “Hi,” it says, audacious, asking, “How’re you today?” Madness, surely. Doughnuts don’t talk. I must be mad. Before I can respond, the cashier’s eyes over the counter, questioning, waiting. “Would…

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  • Through the Doughnut Hole

    They were told by the man who promised them the pot of gold, those poor souls, not knowing their role, lingering in this gloomy world. And here I am, going nuts, staring through the hole in the dough. Through my window, I watch the world unfold.

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  • Still Here, Still Hungry

    “Oh, those vibrant doughnuts!” I exclaimed, drooling profusely, my desire to devour them intensifying. “Yummy,” I said, but with a twist, that playfulness mixed with a touch of bitterness. Yes, I am sick. That’s not a surprise, not to me. I enjoy them all. But for an elderly person like me, they can be devastating.…

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  • In the Ordinary

    In the Ordinary

    Coffee, doughnut, coffee, doughnut, a ritual, a routine, almost every day, my life a series of these small, repetitive acts. I sit here with my coffee and doughnut, thinking, pondering. How long does this ritual last? I still don’t know. The coffee’s warmth, the doughnut’s sweetness, coffee, doughnut, coffee, doughnut. Interesting, ain’t it? I like…

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  • Anything and Everything

    Tammy sat there, mind blurry, a dark cloud of doubts swirling, no notion of what to think or write. “What should I write today?” he hummed, like a broken-down recorder in a room where even the dead wouldn’t speak. Usually, he heard them, their voices chanting, a rhythm he would dance to in the middle…

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  • Inferno of Love

    Inferno of Love

    In this room, the seductive naked man entices me to dance, but not with you, never with you. He taunts me with his intense desire, his burning, unyielding need. He dared, he seduced, an angel and a devil, both wrapped in desire. What am I to think? His gesture arouses me, a fire in the…

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  • The Unread Collection

    The Unread Collection

    I don’t know. I really don’t. Things around me, so many things, seem insignificant yet they hold meaning, fragments of my life always present but lost among themselves. I insist on them, compel them, not because they’re junk but because they’re mine, mine to surround myself with. I carry them with me, always, books mostly.…

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  • A Mother’s Last Gift

    A Mother’s Last Gift

    I walked into the kitchen, the morning light slanting through the window, casting long shadows on the floor. There, on the dining table, a stack of unopened letters sat next to my breakfast, the aroma of coffee mingling with the air. A note from my wife, her handwriting familiar and reassuring, said she had to…

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  • Shadows of Memory

    Shadows of Memory

    The first day of my new job was filled with neon lights slashing through windows at a hidden place in the alley that no one dared to stumble into. When an odd man approached, the place was filled with mystery. “Newbie,” he said, slicing through my confusion. The hall stretched like a dream. I found…

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