Shack.Work - Simply Words in Making

In the Solitude of Thought: The Bench and the Rain

Everything was present until it abruptly vanished one day, nothing lasts forever, this is how life naturally unfolds, a fleeting dream, gone in a breath. I see my mind, a vast library, shelves of knowledge, corridors winding into dark corners of discovery, quiet spaces for the soul’s deep introspection, storing every tiny detail meticulously until they coalesce into sense, proof of my presence in this swirling chaos. Each person builds their own reality, I think, yet we mirror each other, a shared existence, here now, alone in this world of words. No one else is needed, just me, the sole author, crafting thoughts in a world apart from the tangible. What else could I need? Only the mindfulness of my existence here and now, the world I spin through the imagery I weave.

Each fleeting moment I capture, a sketch of life’s experiences, scattered on the floor, a cacophony symbolizing my lifetime. I craft self-portraits, reflections, searching the depths of my inner self, hoping to uncover my true identity. We drift through life’s currents, often without grasping our own depths. Who am I? Is he real? What am I doing here? Seen so much, yet these questions haunt my restless soul day and night. Thought I was mad once, but they said I wasn’t, because I can see these thoughts, these images, these words, each existing in their own world. Perhaps the madness of creativity shields us from the isolation we encounter.

Felt the gentle caress of raindrops, soothing touch from the sky, calmness washing over, washing away each moment, replacing it with something new, an enchanting mystery. I don’t mind this simple life on the bench, invites me to rest, contemplate, observe passersby, unknowingly sharing this space with me. Invisible often, but sometimes a face, happiness, kindness, connection, warmth, shared joy, a smile for me. God’s message, comforting with His unwavering memory, even my unique soul feeling belonging, acceptance. I smiled back. Thank you.